Friday, May 4, 2012

"Steady Mobbin"

 Assumed Philadelphia 'Mob Boss' Joe (Joseph) Ligambi has additional charges of a No-Show job, through Top Job Disposal (a garbage company in Philly) and Defrauding, added to an already steep RICO indictment placed on him by the N.J.S.C.I. The indictment also includes: Loan - Sharking, Extortion, Bookmaking, and the illegal distribution of Video Poker Machines. The N.J.S.C.I. alleges, that Mr. Ligambi made about $1,000 per week, between 2003 and 2009. And also, $224,000 in medical benefits for him and his family. (not bad, not bad) Anyways there are other assumed mobsters tied into the case including; Joseph "Scoops" Licata & "Big Lou" Fazzini (both being held without bail) not to mention, Nicky Scarfo Jr. (father, "Little" Nicky Scarfo) who was allegedly initiated through the Lucchese Crime family; during the Racketeering run; and was told to back off by Mr. Ligambi and Anthony Staino (another assumed mob member), when things started getting tense. A trial date; September 4th, is set for the 'mobsters' although sources say that the date could be pushed back depending on if the gentleman's lawyers ask such a request. We'll keep you posted, until then keep it gangsta *Fab's voice* #Two more indicted in case against Ligambi, Mob Scene

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