Saturday, May 26, 2012

"Complex: How ESPN Lost Its Way"

Complex does share some pretty strong view points (how ESPN lost its way) in this article that I think are very valid. I'm going to highlight them for our readers.

9th: Brett Favre & Tim Tebow - " Brett Favre is an egomaniac (like, duh). He feigns retirement like a narcissist faking his own death. He wants to attend his own funeral, revel in the eulogy, and ESPN is more than willing to pay for the memorial and comfort the grieving family. SportsNation once mentioned Brett Favre's name over 200 times in a single broadcast (for those of you doing the math, that's roughly one mention per fifteen seconds of air time). Rachel Nichols has become a permanent fixture on Favre's front lawn and Ed Werder's pathetic life mission has apparently been reduced to rifling clearance racks at the Men's Warehouse and shoving a microphone in front of the 11-time Pro Bowler's face. Favre's legacy has been tarnished by the overexposure (quite literally) when he allegedly sent a couple of awkward weiner pics to a Jets staffer three years ago.
If Favre is a cautionary tale in destroying a legacy, then Tim Tebow is an acid trip in creating one."

7th: Four Months of NFL Draft Hype -"ESPN's draft coverage (which starts about three hours after the Super Bowl) is where the network hits rock bottom."

1st: The Decision - "The Decision was a microcosm of all that’s wrong with ESPN, creating a spectacle out of nothing and turning news into cash."

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