Sunday, April 8, 2012

"No such thing as impossible"

I was watching E60 on ESPN one day and saw the story and kind of blew it off, then I watched ABC's Sports Saturday yesterday and got glued to the screen. I could not believe what I was watching. An arm-less/leg-less man named; Craig Dietz, is a competitive swimmer; and a lawyer in the city of Pittsburgh. During the segment I also witnessed him drive himself to work; handle paperwork by himself; and make a sandwich for himself when he got home. I can barely make a sandwich with one hand; and both of my arms work just fine. I can also tell you that swimming over 1 mile; is not in my plans for any time soon.... This man has more balls than a doge ball tournament. Again his name is Craig Dietz, and he's never heard of "excuses". We can all learn something from him... watch and see.

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