Thursday, March 29, 2012

"PlayStation 4 or PlayStation Orbis?"

It's rumored that the next PlayStation console will appear in 2013. As I said rumored; via Kotaku "The Gamers Guide" . It is also rumored; that the newest Xbox console will arrive next year called the 'Durango'. But more importantly, what will Sony's next PlayStation name be??? According to Kotaku, the code name for the next PS is Orbis; although most retailers and bloggers expect Sony to name it the PS4 (or) PlayStation 4. There are also rumors, that say the (PS....whatever); will not be backwards compatible with the PS3, and that all or most games will be purchased through the PlayStation Network, and used games (for trade-in), must be uploaded on the network for others to purchase. Even stranger; the used PlayStation game will only come in a demo version; and you will have to pay additional fees for the rest of the game. Hopefully, these are all just rumors except the fact that both systems will be premiering in 2013.... I've had the PS3 since I was 16!!! LOL. news and info spotted . Note: more than likely, the new Xbox will be named Xbox 720. Let's wait and see ;)

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