Saturday, February 11, 2012

"Spacely's Sprockets!"

Austrian skydiver & daredevil Felix Baumgartner will attempt to make history at the end of this year, by breaking the sound barrier and landing on earth safely from space. Sounds crazy right? Duh, The 43-year-old will attempt to break a 52-year-old record. The first attempt of this mission, was successfully played out by Captain Joseph Kittinger in 1960. Though in 1960, Captin Joe Kittinger, only traveled 31,300 meters, or 102,800 ft during "Excelsior III" . The Austrian, will attempt to travel 36,880.8 meters, or 121,000 ft. Check out his intense training and his extreme courage above; and also check out Redbull Stratos : The Mission.

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